The world is a stage and the actors knaves;
We aim to please and please behave.
People are wicked and driven by Hate
And everyone alive is a selfish ingrate.
This one’s a liar and that one’s a cheat;
He fucks his wife while the poor fellow sleeps.
Masks cover faces and block out the truth
Because if we knew it we’d probably puke.
Pride is King of the Gods that all crawl before,
Lust is the Goddess and everyone is a whore.
There is not a virtue that anybody can claim:
We’re all squalid beasts that have never been tame.
Gluttons drink nightly and daily they eat;
The slothful too weak to stand on their feet
The greedy hoard handfuls and take what they can
Which is more than enough to feed every man.
Anger strolls in leisure through city streets;
Most people alive will dance to his beats.
The envious are everywhere—I wish I were one—
They are so lucky to be so fucking dumb.
Misanthropy is a blessing we all should attain
Together we die in the most incredible pain:
Suicide would be rampant—all over the place.
To the hater of man, the self is a disgrace.
Hanging and drowning and drinking to death,
Mother Earth slowly absorbs our final breath.
The planet is freed from God’s "Great Mistake"
But what a daemon must "He" be—whose image we take.