Been a while since I posted here. I wanted to do this one here, as it sort of meets the criteria. Soon I hope to be flooding these pages with travel blogs regarding the days I spent in the Galapagos Islands, complete, obviously, with pictures. Soon I hope, we’ll see where the road leads and how things go with chemo.
This picture is of a Monarch Butterfly just off the trail on Santiago island. I think the picture itself is very poignant though. All that is inadvertent, it was not planned, but I thought I would like to talk about it:
In the picture there are two critters: the butterfly and then above, out of focus, is a great big island spider. I am not sure what the spider is, but it was a decent sized beast. Nothing like the monsters in Bali or the rain forest, but big enough to make a small supper out of our butterfly.
What makes the picture interesting to me is that juxtaposition, the sharp, crisp, highly focused butterfly, maybe a symbol of life and freedom, and just up scene the grim, blurry predator lying in wait, maybe a symbol of death, definitely of predation. It speaks to me as a reminder that even when life is crisp and shiny and it all seems copacetic, still lurking in the blurry shadows can be death, or predation.
It is just a thought, a grim one, I admit, but a fairly accurate one I think. So remember that, if you can, and keep your guns within reach. Live bright, crisp and in focus, but do so without losing sight of that creepy arachnid that is just out of focus down the road. That is all.
